Now a confession - while all of those things are what make fall so special, I have to admit that my all-time favorite part of the season is being able to wear coats and boots and scarves. All the time.
Sigh! I just love a beautiful pair of boots, there's nothing quite as lovely as pulling on a pair of leather beauties and heading outside in the cool air with a Pumpkin Spice Latte in your hand!
Here's a peek at some of the fall boots I've checked off my "wish-list" so far, I've added them to my wardrobe and I'm hoping to add some more, soon. By the way, these were all purchased either on sale, on eBay, or from thrift stores. Yes, I'm a savvy shopper!
These are the Bowtied Beauties from Anthropologie, they sold them last year but I happened to find them on eBay for almost half the price, and they were brand new!
These are the lovely Aldershot boots that are being sold at Anthro this year! I love them and I've been stalking them for several weeks but I couldn't bring myself to buy them for the full price. One day I happened to browse through the boot section on Anthropologie and I saw their 30% sale and I knew I had to grab these up as soon as I possibly could.
These are my cute little $25 thrift store find. They are brand new and in excellent condition.
So, I admit that I'm a boot-a-holic. I love seeing all of my boots lined up on top of my closet in a nice and neat row, it just makes me happy! Last year I was obsessed with coats. I perused eBay way too much searching for any cute coat that I could get my hands on, and although I still love coats and have way too many of them, my obsession has shifted to boots this year. Don't laugh.
So, what are on your fall wish-lists this year, or have you already purchased a pair of wonderful boots and you'd like to show them off? I'd love to see your fall wardrobe!
I hope all of you lovely people have a wonderful rest of the week, I'm going to be in Vancouver, Washington so I know that I will be loving my weekend. I get to see my beautiful cousin, Kim, and my cute little munchkin cousins whom I've missed way too much. And last but not least, I get to stop by Symposium for a heavenly treat...a Pumpkin Spice Latte (made with real pumpkin!).
By the way, my iTunes is now loaded with a vast assortment of wonderful Christmas albums and songs. Happy!
Beautiful Fall, everyone!