Yes, a yard sale is going on tomorrow at the Wyatt household starting at 8 a.m. Who will come? I'm not sure! Maybe those people that keep emailing me from my craigslist ad asking for pictures and prices (this is NOT eBay folks), or the other people that are crazy enough to get up at dark thirty to come view our oodles of cool things crammed on tiny tables, in 20 degree weather to boot. Or maybe we're just flat crazy for having one. Ah well, it doesn't matter now. We froze ourselves to oblivion to go hang signs so we are HAVING THIS YARD SALE like it or lump it! Gloves, coats, scarves, boots, hats....here we come!! As you can tell, I have nothing better to blog about at the moment. Stay tuned - there MAY just be something exciting coming up, then again...
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