Let's see here...
*I had loads of fun in California.
*I had the opportunity to attend No Limits (and it was absolutely phenomenal!).
*I was able to see my family and friends that I have missed so much.
*It took us about 4 days to get home from California, it usually only takes 2.
*I think I know just about every stop in Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California.
*I am really, really looking forward to Mid-America Youth Conference.
*I am excited because Clayton may be able to come out for Mid-America.
*It was 80 degrees when we got home on Tuesday, the next day it was 40 degrees.
*Ummm....Okay, I'm running out of updates.
Here are a few pictures of our trip (mostly from the drive out). I didn't take many due to being extremely busy, but here are a few for your enjoyment! :)
Beautiful snow in Flagstaff, Arizona
Kati-Lynne in the snow in Flagstaff, Arizona
Me and Kendra at No Limits
Stacie, it sounds like you had so much fun! We hate that we missed it but I'm definitely looking forward to Mid-America. I know Bro. Marks and Bro. Gary Don are going to be so good! And I don't remember the others... was it Bro. Mills?
Yeah, it was fun, but I'm glad to be back home. I wish you guys could've made it, too. Yes, Mid-America will be awesome, I'm really excited. I think the other person preaching is Bro. Bradley Smith. I'm excited!! I've never actually been to a Mid-America conference yet, can you believe that? Lol
STACIE! It was soooo wonderfully delightful to see you and char and the rest of the fam! You are just too adorable! I can't wait to see you again! Glad you made it home safe... your trip looked pretty and cold. :) (brrr.) Miss ya!
What a beautiful young lady you are with in the last picture!!! She is my cousin! Thanks for posting a pic of her since I haven't seen her since Innov8 just before No Limits!
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