Yes, yes I know. This post is very frivolous....trivial, actually. But, since it's become a slight "obsession" as of late, I thought I'd blog about it. Or maybe this is a confession....whichever one, you can decide. Most of you that know me know that I'm not much of a shopper. Don't get me wrong, I do love thrift shopping, consignment shops and clearance racks. I love to find those incredible deals on nice things, but a fraction of the original price. Now, there are those special occasions where it's fine to splurge, but I just don't personally make a habit of it (even if I DID have the money..hehe). Well, lately I've noticed that eBay was just like "walking" into a HUGE clearance rack...or maybe an awesome consignment shop? I don't know, but one thing I do know is that I have become **ahem** addicted. I'm ashamed of myself, actually. But I've found some great deals on unique clothes...clothes you won't find at TJ Maxx or Macy's. I'm going to share some pictures of a few of the items that I've found recently. Enjoy!
Stacie if you added an orange sash to the jacket the whole outfir would be awesome! Love the post!
Why thank you for the tip, Jessica! I'll have to remember that. ;)
umm..the shoes are well umm, high heels. yes! that is exactly what they are! through that one. The skirt is very summery(and cute)and the jacket is absolutely adorable!!! I have to agree with Jessica about adding orange to the jacket but you'll have to change the buttons too.
Uh...are you saying you don't like my shoes??? Kim! They should hold up through those plane crashes, though. I love you...(even if you do make fun of my shoes).
P.S. These were actually for your birthday, but now I guess I shall keep them and wear them to PEAK.
The skirt does look like a cotton summer skirt, but it's actually very dark and it could be summer or winter. **Just a random side note** I have nothing better to do than post on my own blog. I guess babysitting does that to people. When, oh when, will midnight come?????
oh bummer about the shoes, but they will look so much better on you!
LOL...keep your shoes on if you crash. Stacie, seriously I thought I was gonna wreck while driving because you were so funny. Should I keep my shoes on then too? J/ you more
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