I was looking through some old pictures the other day and sure got some laughs (see picture directly below). Besides the laughs, it was neat to look back at pictures of camping, family, holidays, road trips, etc. As you'll notice in the pictures below, I pretty much always looked like a ragamuffin. I didn't like my mom to do my hair, I had an "incredible" style (notice the sarcasm?), and I liked to go barefoot. I refrained from posting some pictures of myself due to embarrassement (like me gutting my own fish while camping). :/
Well, I hope you enjoy these pictures!
Don't laugh...




I just love this outfit...it's the yellow socks!

Me and Kim

Me, Grandpa & Clayton

Me, Clayton, Jeremy, Daniel & Kim

Me & Cinnamon
Stacie, thank you for the trip down memory lane. From Lil' Miss Budda belly in the first picture to the last picture with your infamous ponytail! (you actually have a bow in it and a few curls, I must have done your hair) Love you!
Oohhh...the ponytail. I think that you were the only person that I'd let do my hair and not complain the whole time. Does that sound familiar? ;) And yes, the Buddha belly. Lol
Well Stacie, I did laugh a little but not at you. ;) maybe just a little at the 3rd pic down of someone else I know. hee hee - Boy does that hair bring back memories. No wonder you didn't want your mom to do yours. (J/K!!)
oh yeah, Buddha...that is why I am back in school!
p.s. are you enjoying your time with your brother? I know he was looking forward to seeing you and your mom both.
Sis. Karen - You know what? It took me a minute to realize what you were talking about, then I went to look at the picture and started dying laughing!! My mom's hair...say no more. Lol :)
Kim - Yes, we've had a really good time so far. We're leaving for PEAK today and I'm pretty excited. Love you! :)
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