You know when you're driving down the road and you see a cute little (or sometimes big) dog on the side of the road...and it's no longer alive? I don't know about you, but my heart always does a little flip-flop when I see a sight like that, it makes me so sad. Then I start thinking about what I would do if I was driving and found my dog on the side of the road. But of course, we keep our dogs in a fenced yard so the chances of them being out on the road are very slim. Well, this morning was a whole different scenario. I got up at around 4:45 or so (it was still dark outside) and let the dogs out for a few minutes before my mom left for work. I waited about 15 minutes, then I was going to let them back in the house (I keep them in a little pen while my mom's gone because I'm scared to be home alone while it's still dark). When we opened the door we discovered that they weren't at their usual spot on the patio...or out in the yard...or in the garage (their new obsession). Then I noticed that the gate was open. My heart sank! We are always so cautious about closing the gate and making sure it's secure, but it stormed really bad during the night so we weren't sure if it just blew open or something. My mom had to leave for work, but she did drive down the road in hopes of finding the wandering dogs. To no avail. I was so scared. I started praying that God would bring them back safely. My mom didn't want me to leave the house to go and look for them because it was still dark, so I waited in the house for a long, long time looking out the window every few minutes. Finally, it started getting light outside. I opened the front blinds hoping to catch a glimpse of them if they happened to wander by. By this time they had been gone for over an hour. I talked to my mom, then my dad...they both told me to stay put and hopefully the dogs will find their way back. A few minutes later I happened to glance out the window and what did I see? My dogs were across the street at the church! I ran to the door and yelled, "Chloe....Zoey." They came running home, all soaked and wet and panting. I was so, so happy to see them I just wanted to hug them, but then I had to act like I was mad at them so they hopefully wouldn't ever do that again! I was also thanking God that He listened to my prayers and didn't let them become a statistic, but He brought them home safe and sound.
And for good measure (even though she didn't run away)..Kati!
ah, stacie, i know how you feel. i have a few escape artist myself!! of course, now Sam is too big to crawl under the fence, but he's great about tattling on Bentley when he does!! lol
Glad Zoey and Chloe made it home safely! I know how your heart can sink when they get out & you think they're lost! By the way, LOVE
the pic of Katie on the scales!!!LOL! ~Karen
ok, Stacie, I am so sorry this happened to you. But now you probably have a clearer understanding as to why I used to get so mad at Zoey for running away. Stinkin' dog, but you can't help but love her!
Kaylie - Yeah, Chloe used to do that when Kati would get out. Bently is so cute!
Sis. Karen - Lol..we were barely able to snap the picture, she was ready to get OFF! :)
Kim - Yes, I do understand better than before! I know, she's a very sweet dog.
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